Saturday, July 30, 2011


Have an awesome weekend! Sophia is oh so ready to get the party started! J  {makeover here}

Tuesday, July 26, 2011


Wow!  I can’t believe that in only 2 months by baby will turn 1! This Mumma is so ready to get this party started!  Here are some of the things I’ve purchased online so far for Sophia’s big day J  I’m so excited!:P  {{Cupcakes and cake are inspirational pics for baker, mumma is acting as if baby was turning 16 ::wink:: I know , I can't help it}}

Monday, July 25, 2011


It’s always a fun day when it’s Sunday!  Daddy finally gave in to waking up early on his day off and took this mumma to our local flea market! Yeah!  I came across this very Mexican little dress for Sophia and of course I couldn’t come home with anything for her. I thought it was adorable. Finally, we ended the day with a cook out at my brother’s house.  Relaxing family day J  Hope you all had an awesome weekend!

P.S. Another of Sophia's firsts ... Showering with Daddy! {decent pic, but Daddy would kill me if I put it up.. ugh, men :P}

Friday, July 22, 2011

our week

Feels like I haven’t blogged in years, been a bit hectic around here. I haven’t even had time to get my DSLR out {{I miss u}} Here is our week in cell phone pics J
Incognito, kissy

yummy, yogurt date
Ready for some fun, my new kitchen cushions
My lil’ helper, tired baby
Cleaning, Bedhead

Sunday, July 17, 2011

Shoe tutorial

So I bought this shoes a couple of months ago, loved them but now I feel like Dorothy when I wear them. Been thinking of how to give them a little umff and this is what I came up with:)
The shoes:

Materials: X-acto blade, glue gun or E-6000 depending on material the shoes are made of, scissors, fabric

Wanted to make them more summery, decided to cut the tip

Now cut the fabric into a square that fits your shoe, make another cut in the middle, paste the fabric on to shoes leaving an inch or two and cut the excess fabric.

voilà some new shoes!
Not too shabby, huh? :P

Friday, July 15, 2011

WeeK photo dump

I’ve been kind of lazy this week :/  Some of our  phone pics this week...

                                                       Enjoy your weekend!

Monday, July 11, 2011


It was date night (more like afternoon) for these parents! It has been more than a year since we have been able to go to the movies! I’m sure you all can relate. After my seventh month of pregnancy, i would’ve of gone bananas having to sit through a movie for two hours:/   and then came baby and absolutely no free time. But we finally made it. We had an awesome time (we only fell asleep once for 2 minutes haha)J  Afterwards, we hightailed it to pick up our Lil’ Lady and had some yummy tacos for dinner.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Summer Day!

We went swimming! Another of Sophia's first! We had such a good time! We kind of hacked a friend’s apartment complex pool :P Awesome summer day!

just the 2

Today Sophia and I decided to go grab a bite all by ourselves. Shopia ate pasta for the first time! Afterwards we just HAD to get dessert (it was Sophia's request not mine! haha) we went to a place called Menchies. It was pretty cool, we had never been there, you can prepare your own yogurt and they have all kinds of goodies (we were good and just added fruit ::wink::
making a mess not knowing what to wear
crazy me ordered a kids pasta bowel, she only eat a little bit and I ended up eating half of it
mom was trying to be good

yogurt time!

socializing :P
Nice day :)