Enjoying a fun SunnY Mother’s Day
My first Mother’s Day!! What a special day! Gotta say my fav day of the yr so far, filled with lots of love, fun and presents! Material present were awesome, but nothing beats the gift! It really dawn on me that I am a mother! Weird right? Dont get me wrong, I know I am a mother, of course, Sophia makes sure to remind me every ten minutes of the day lol, but it was strange when ppl congratulated me… I just kept thinking.."I’m a mother?? Really??" Anywho… We spend mummy's special day at my uncle’s house. Daddy had to work and couldn’t join us (that was a bummer) but Daddy Marco made sure I would wake up to breakfast in bed, roses and some kick ass gifts! (Would have been nice to just lie in bed all day too… hey,one can dream!) Here are some pics of our day…
In need of some sun tan oil, Sophia?? |
Decided to take my own pictures.. it just gives me anxiety to be explaining others how to work the camera... haha, not that I'm an expert on this photograph dealio, but I do know where the snap button is at! lol |
Classic |
Gampa and his princess...Ive officially been replaced o.0 |
I see this picture and all I can think of is "wow, she's growing up!" Such a blessing to see her happy, healthy, and so aware of her surroundings. |
She made a little friend! |
Present from my brother and sister-in-law. A personalized photo album filled with Sophia's pictures. Its been one of the most special gifts i have ever recieved. The thought that went into is priceless. Thank you! A gift that will last a life time. |
Gifts from the man I love. My summer coach diaper bag, tiffany's charm bracelet, and a heart locket with "I love you" engraved on it. Crossing fingers for an upgrade to Tiffany engagement ring next mother's day! *wink* ;D |
With Uncle Alex n auntie Aracely |
The two beauiful ladies I would die for... my loving Mother and Baby Sophia! I absolutely adore you both! |
I Thank God every day for giving me the opprortunity to be a Mum. I’m not gona lie it’s a tough job and sometimes want to pull my hair out and run far far away..haha Don’t we all??? I would never trade the amazing blessings of motherhood for anything in the world! I live for these tiny, awesome, beautiful, baby girL.
P.S Hope you all had an awesome day and enjoyed the special mummas in your life! Cheers!
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